This time no story. I wanted to get the kids talking.
Today we're going to talk about God, our heavenly Father. Who here has a father? (encourage response)
Who know his father's name? (encourage response)
They are your earthly fathers. Your father here on earth. Did you know that you ALSO have a heavenly father? Who knows who that is? (encourage response)
Do your daddys know a lot? Are they smart? Can you think of something your daddy knows? For example, my daddy always knows where he's going. He can always find his way. He never gets lost. He has a good sense of direction and can always find his way home. What about your daddy's?
Wow, your daddy's are smart! We can learn a lot from our daddy's. And did you know.. God, our heavenly Father is also really smart. He knows even more than every daddy on earth. God knows everything. He even knows how many hairs you have on top of your head! And he knows all your names! He knows where you live and whether you have brothers and sisters. He knows when you're happy or sad or angry. He knows all this because He's God. God knows everything.
We can also learn a lot from our heavenly Father. For example, I am learning how to love people the way He loved us, how I can show someone I love them by being friendly to them.
Who can tell me something their daddy does really well? For example, my daddy is good at fixing bikes. What can your daddy do really well? (encourage response)
Wow, your daddy's sound amazing. We can learn so much from our fathers.
Our heavenly Father is also really amazing. He made the earth, the seas, the clouds, the sun, moon and all the stars! He made all the trees and flowers, animals, birds and fishes. He even made us! God can say to the wind 'Be still' and the wind will stop blowing. He can say to a storm 'Be quiet' and the storm will calm down. God can say to the sun 'Don't move' and it will stop moving. Wow huh! God can do anything!
Let's play a game.
Daddy says
Run around the room. You are the wind in the storm. Be wild. Be fast. But listen closely because when I say 'Still' all of you must freeze. Can you do that? Then we'll do another storm and you start running again. But when I say 'Lie down' you must all lie down as quickly as possible.
Let's play.
Let's thank God for our fathers here on earth and that He is our Father in heaven.
Fathers Day Craft
Cut pieces of cardboard out of boxes. Punch 2 holes in the top with a hole punch. Paint it. Glue a text on top saying 'I love you Daddy' (the lego heart I used is from the brickartist). Glue a small note book on the card board as well.
Coloring Page
Illustrating today's lesson: Our father here on earth and our Father in Heaven.(Feel free to use it)
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